Diversity Training and Experience

- Diversity Liaison Coordinator: Texas Woman's University
- Facilitator of Prejudice Reduction Programs: National Coalition Building Institut
- ulticultural Programs Presenter: University of Georgia, Texas Woman’s University, Kenyon College andThe University of Akron
- Coordinator of the Diversity Institute: Texas Woman’s University
- iaison to university offices for underserved students (e.g, students of color, international students, and women): University of Georgia, Texas Woman’s University, Kenyon College andThe University of Akron
- luster Facilitator: LeaderShape, a national leadership program for diverse students
- Conference Presenter on Lesser-Known Privileges and Oppressions: American College Personnel Association
- onference Presenter on Size Discrimination: American College Personnel Association Convention
- onference Presenter on Size Discrimination: Texas Woman’s University, University of North Texas, Diversity Conference