One of my favorite specialty areas is working with people who experience disordered eating, eating disorders, or negative body image. I believe that while these issues can be quite painful and often people have suffered for many years before seeking help, that people can also get better and can completely recover from the tyranny that food and weight can have over their lives. I believe we can all learn to love ourselves and our bodies--at any size, shape or weight-- and that we can all work to make peace with food. I work from two main approaches: Health at Every Size (HAES) and Intuitive Eating. I believe we can learn to trust our bodies to take care of ourselves and feed ourselves appropriately and in a healthy way without restriction, guilt or shame.
Eating Disorder Training and Experiences

- Member, Founder and Coordinator of multidisciplinary Eating Disorder Treatment Teams: University of Georgia, Texas Woman's University, Kenyon College, The University of Akron
- Eating Disorder Support Group Facilitator: University of Georgia, Texas Woman's University, Eating Disorder Recovery Center, Chrysalis Treatment Center
- Post-doctoral Fellow at Eating Disorders Recovery Center of Athens
- Guest Lecturer: Eating Disorders, Body Image, Binge Eating, Group Therapy for People with Eating Disorders
- Won Outstanding Team Award for Eating Disorder Treatment Team at Texas Woman's University