Sexual Assault Survivor Group Facilitator: Texas Woman’s University and Kenyon College
Sexual Abuse Survivor Group Facilitator: Texas Woman’s University and Alcohol/Drug Treatment Center
Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families Group Facilitator: Texas Woman’s University
Conference Presenter on Self-injurious behaviors: American College Personnel Association Convention, University of West Florida, Texas Woman's University, University of Georgia
Workshop Presenter on Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment and Interpersonal Violence: University of Georgia, Texas Woman’s University, Kenyon College and The University of Akron, Training for Police and Parole Officers
Class Instructor of Psychology of Women: Texas Woman’s University
Intern: Rape Crisis Center, Richmond, VA
Rape Crisis Center Hotline worker: Akron, OH
Researcher on Interpersonal Violence and Sexual Assault: The University of Akron